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Under the Hood

Now that you have been introduced to the basics of how Check-in works, let’s take a step back and look under the hood at what Check-in is and what it does. This section will focus on what exactly is happening when you are checking people in and how Check-in can act as a security monitor at your church.

What is Fellowship One Check-in?

The long definition: Fellowship One Check-in allows the church to record real-time attendance for all attendees while enforcing child security, safety and registration requirements for any event or activity. In summary, it’s a tool the church can use to record who is no longer attending an activity and to provide a secure way for adults to claim children after an activity.

During popular activities there are often many unfamiliar faces in the church and we want to ensure our children are safe at all times during these busy periods. Check-in has built in functionality that can help with this.

Check-in and Ministry

Check-in helps your church shepherd by not letting any opportunity to minister pass by. In the shepherd role, your ministry leaders need to see who isn’t attending just as importantly as who is. Someone who was once a regular attendee who has been absent for several weeks may need additional care. It’s critical for your ministry leadership to be able to access this information.

Real-time attendance means that ministry leadership can run reports to see who they need to follow‐up with. They can even do this while an activity is still in progress. In essence, real‐time attendance means that leadership has immediate access to the data that is being entered via Check-in.

Check-in and Security

Children’s activities can be configured to print a parent/guardian security receipt. The receipt prints with the name tags as kids check into an activity. Here’s why receipts are important: